Hospital Referrals to Community Pharmacy

Bridging The Gap

When a patient with complex needs is discharged from hospital, with their consent we can collect information from the hospital's IT system and make this available to the patient's chosen community pharmacy. This enables the nominated pharmacist to provide follow up reviews and support.

Independent evidence shows that this significantly reduces the number of patient readmissions and can save the NHS £millions.

If you are planning to implement e-referrals on discharge or would like to know more, please get in touch with Kevin Noble, implementation lead, at


Additional Material Available on Request

The following technical specifications are available on request from our interoperability support service on 01983 216699 or at

Our apologises for any inconvenience caused by not making these directly available but experience has shown that technical implementations progress much more smoothly for Trusts when we make direct contact with technical staff at the earliest possible stage.

Technical specifications available upon request
Technical Technical specification for transfer of care on discharge - HL7 v2
This is normally the only technical specification needed.
Technical specification for transfer of care on discharge - CDA (HL7 v3).
Technical extension for 'notification only' extension option.
Technical extension for 'notification on admission' extension option.

The following Information Governance documents are available on request from our Information Governance Lead on 01983 216699 or at Again we apologise for any inconvenience caused by not making these directly available but this is to ensure that distribution of the content is appropriately controlled:

Information governance documents available upon request
Information Governance Partially pre-populated Privacy Impact Assessment for PharmOutcomes.
Pinnacle Information Governance and Technical Specification.